But I can't find the quest on Fallout Wiki. I'm trying to find the console commands to force this quest to the next stage. I now have the quest objective 'help defend Starlight Drive-in.' However, the gunners never come! I'm waiting forever, but there are simply no gunners in sight! ShowQuestAliases QuestID 262 : SetPapyrusQuestVar (SETPQV) Quest, String, String : Set a Papyrus property on the specified quest. 261 : ShowQuestAliases: Quest : Show quest aliases. So as soon as I got this quest objective, it also completed itself. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with svq QuestID 260 : ShowQuests (SQ) List quests. Well, I already have more than 900 defense for them. Instead, I got this one from Preston, saying that Starlight Drive-In had already fought off a group of gunners, and they need me to go and provide some extra defense for them. It's called 'Defend Starlight Drive-In.' However, it's not the normal type of attack where I get a message on-screen saying that the settlement is under attack and I have to go and defend it.
I currently have a unique type of radiant quest from the Minutemen.