Click on the folder containing the photos you want to move. The most basic move operation is to move one or more photos from one folder to another folder that is already in Lightroom. To create copies of photos, you must use the Export dialog to export copies to the folder of your choice. One important note is that Lightroom can only move photos from folder to folder. Expand the Folders panel and you are ready to start moving. To jump to Grid view from anywhere in Lightroom, just press G. It all happens in the Folders panel and Grid view in the Library module. There have been some changes to the functionality for creating new folders in Lightroom 2 (and above) that make this process easier than in Lightroom 1.
It’s also a fundamental task that should only be performed from within Lightroom in order to maintain the connection between the Lightroom catalog and the imported photos. Creating new folders and moving photos from folder to folder is a fundamental aspect of file management.